Hello December!

December 01, 2015


after a year and a month or so being away from blogging, the tempt to write something was always there but didn't want some poser to do something stupid to my family. hahaha.

so, how is life? long story short, still studying but in a different faculty now. from biology to medicine. been here for 3 months now and for sure it was not easy. how i get into this faculty was also a miracle. might share it someday. living in other country is also a challenge for me because it is my first time being away from family. but i think i know why I'm the last to study somewhere else other than Sabah than my other siblings. things get connected when in the future (for me, now). somewhat interesting about what happened to me hehe.

for sure my English is a bit lag when I'm here because mainly everything is in Indonesian but i will try my best to write more. Happy Mina is HAPPY! :)

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