The result is still the same
February 20, 2013So we've finished our steam distillation experiment last week on Friday and decided not to continue it because sadly our result is 000000.000000 x( our madam said its okay because we won't leave empty handed. At least we get to learn our main objectives for BIO300.
I'm so thankful that our supervisor is easy going and we can talk to her without being scared and stuff. Plus, she's always there for us. For 3 consecutive days in the organic chemical lab she helped us. Guide us. Motivate us. Thankyou madam! We owe you lots! Now we hope you'd give us As *wink wink*
Btw just realised my last post was on V day. I don't even remember it was V day. Feels like its just a Thursday to me. Sad. Forever alone. Haha Nahh the time will come :) and because of that enjoy my Ziall pic ;)
Mina x