my little life after final exam
April 06, 2012so yeah here i am posting again. it's just that i want to type it when its still fresh in my mind. it'll be suck if i forgot everything detailed =_="
3rd April 2012
this was the day where we called it "Cousins Only Hangout Day!" and this was where one of my cousin who works at Johor finally came back to us for a short 10 days break from work. i guess he's been very busy meeting his family and friends since then. when he's with us , it's his 8th day with his family. i said to him that we would hangout on the day before but due to some sickness i postponed the event. lol.
i woke up early during that day (well since i'm the driver i have to get ready much more earlier than them). so my passengers for the day were my sister and my lovely cuzzy, Jue. then we picked Alie up from his house where we kinda late i guess :P and head on to Center Point. when we're on our way, we suddenly talked about our other cousin who's in town which is our big Rajip. so we give him a call and thankfully he's already there. all we need to do was meet up.
finally we arrived. safely parked on the 6th floor because it's much more freely there rather than those floors below it. when we're on our way to the lift, Alie said he wanted to meet his girlfriend because she's there and was like "hey this is a NO girlfriend/boyfriend allowed" and he was like "it will be just a min". so yeah he did meet up with his girl TWO times and to be honest i don't like his girl but yeah who am i to judge.
first of all we were really hungry except for Rajip because he already ate with his friends. we ate at KFC yeah finger lickin' good.. i really like that rather than so G-double O-D good -.- ordered our food and took a sit wherever Jue and Rajip picked. while we're eating my mom and Nuar came to meet Alie. Nuar wanted to stay with us but mom have to bring him back home because he' sick. poor him.
Next destination, the kBox (short for karaoke box which mean a karaoke room?). i met my LONG LOST tuition friend. well not that lost its just that we haven't met for a very long time. Man or Rahman. who's a year younger than me but bigger than me. yeah i'm really small. compare me to my cousins from my mother's side including my 9-year-old cousin.... I AM VERY SMALL. I'M A DWARF WHEN I'M AROUND THEM *clears throat* but yeah even though i'm small, i'm big in heart :P back to Rahman, yup met him and paid a room for us for two hours to sing. you bet we sing our heart out. haha. and the most Romantic song? no i mean a very feeling song? it was Rajip's. and guess what? the title is Feelings LOL xD we kinda like mock him with that song but he said that was his dad's song. so we kinda shut up? NO friggin' way. haha. after two hours almost end, i asked my sis to top up for our time for thirty minutes. it was that they were like "hey wasn't this supposed to end? i saw the time was about six minutes left.. why is this still playing?" i guess until now they never knew :P well at least we had fun ^^
after that, we bought a phone/key-chain. mine, as always, it has to be a Domo and it's cute x3 and we bought ice cream! my favorite dessert. mine was banana tropicana like always *nyummmmmmmm!* then we're trying to find a phone cover for Jue and me. we kinda walked a lot that day and it was very tiring and the result? we end up with buying nothing. dang~ so yeah we head home safely by sending Rajip first, then Alie and lastly ourselves Aein, Jue and me.