what would you do. . .

February 24, 2012

. . . if you're in love with a person who's in love with another person, would you let him/her go? or just keep on waiting to make sure for the right time to confess to him/her?

. . . if the person you're in love with always be mad at you, keep on insulting and saying you're definitely not for him/her and swear a lot, would you let him/her go? or just swallow everything he/she said to you and keep on waiting?

. . . if you think you're in love with a person who's not seriously into you because he/she might just wanna be friends with you, would stay and be his/her friend? or keeping fantasies that you would be with him at some time? or ignore the friend zone and keep on waiting for him/her to be yours?

. . . if you think he/she's not exactly your typical type but actually he/she's "exactly" the one for you, would you ignore him/her? or just let it go with the flow? or might even consider trying to know him/her very well?

. . . if you're best friend is in love with you but you can't accept him/her because you think it's crazy, would you think at some other time to even consider it? or ignore the fact that he/she really can't pass the best friend zone?

. . . if you think you're strong enough to endure your last broken love, would you still find a person who's exactly like the one who broke your heart? would you always believe in what those sweet words he/she said to you? or you'd stay low and have fun to fix your inside?

. . . if you're having  second thoughts on the person you hate to become the person you would love, would you ignore that feeling because it would be an embarassment for your dignity? or try to open up?

i hope you guys would make the right choice when it comes to love or friendship. and i wish you guys all the best ! :)

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