13 April 2019 01:02

안녕! 👋🏼
잘 지냈어요? 제 이름은 민아 이에요. 저는 코타키나발루에 살아요. 하지만 지금은 인도네시아에서 공부하고 있습니다. 석진하고 동갑이에요. 한국어 잘 못해요. 지금 마음에서 우러나오는 대로 영어로 쓰겠습니다. 🙇🏻♀️
I was actually a bit late for the 작은시 MV premiere because it was raining here in Malang 🇮🇩 that afternoon and i was on my way going back home on a motorcycle. I was still drenched when i started watching the MV. watched it at most 7 times before i proceed to hearing the album on spotify because i had to see you guys one by one. #OT7 🤟🏼
I love the MV! I admire the color tones. it was sooo beautiful. I can hear Halsey’s voice layered in chorus and harmonizing with you guys. The fact that she also sings some of them in Korean? 🤯 mad respect to her.
Proceeding to spotify, i listened to all. If i were to describe the 7 songs, it would be long and for this particular post, I’m hoping to keep it short. Because i love love love and adore all the 7 songs 💕
there are 2 tracks that actually killed me for somewhat 30 or so minutes 😅 that was when i heard the whole album again with translation. It started with Make It Right and stopped at HOME because i was bawling my eyes out. Literally. I had to stop because i was gonna have a celebration dinner with my friends for their small achievements. I went with swollen eyes and they thought something happened to me. so cutee
Bruh, Make it Right? I think it started on the 2nd verse when the tears turned to waterfalls. It was somehow i was appreciated. I was loved. I was a somebody to someone so big that my mind couldn’t comprehend the fact that you don’t even know who i am but you knew I existed. You knew me as ARMY. for that i am truly honored and a really HUGE thankyou. i can feel the love, the motivation to move forward.
i can really say DNA made me really thought this was never a coincidence. becoming a fan of you really brings out the best of me. like truly is, i am comfortable with myself, i am happy with myself. i blocked out all negativity. and i'm glad i'm in this fandom. thankyou :')
- mina -